Established in 1947, the PLA exists to promote, protect and advance the interests of its members by providing resources to enhance the practice of law. The PLA advocates for its members' interests as lawyers, which can impact justice issues that can affect the residents of Peel Region.
The Peel Law Association exists to promote, protect and advance the interests of its members by providing resources to enhance the practice of law.
The objectives* of the Association are as follows:
As adopted by the Peel Law Association Membership February 25, 2021.
* Under the Consolidated By-Law 1B of the Peel Law Association.
If you are searching for a lawyer, click on the Find-a-lawyer button in the top right corner of the website. You can search by area of practice, such as Criminal Law, Family Law, or Real Estate Law, as well as which city the lawyer practices in. Lawyers who accept legal aid are noted in their profile.