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Book Spotlight - The Law of Traffic Offences, 5th edition

2 Feb 2024 9:00 AM | Anonymous

Information provided on Thomson Reuters' website:

Handle traffic offences with maximum effectiveness. This resource provides a thorough understanding of the offence as well as a way to determine quickly whether all the elements in the charge have been covered.

This edition updates some of the procedural provisions which guide court appearances, trials, and appeals, as well as substantive provisions on actual offences such as stunt driving and careless driving.

This edition includes:

  • challenges to radar evidence
  • driving without insurance
  • evidence
  • “street racing” provisions
  • commercial motor vehicles
  • imposing less than minimum fine, and more.
  • speeding
  • procedure in traffic cases
  • careless driving
  • certificate of offence
  • appeals in traffic cases

For more information about this resource, click here.

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